Hot water dipping
We acquired two hot water dipping units in 2005 that were specifically designed by our teams and for our own use.
The Process
Plant materials (grafted cuttings or potted rootstocks )are immersed for 45 minutes in tanks where water is maintained at 50 °c with the aim of eliminating phytoplasma diseases which can cause ‘grapevine yellows’ (Flavescence dorée and Bois noir phytoplasma).

Hot Water Dipping and plantations
Today, hot water dipping (immersion at 50°c for 45 minutes) as a means of eradicating phytoplasmas is perfectly controlled. Sadly present in some areas, the problem of grapevine yellows can be adressed by this means of treatment, however the grafts must be rehydrated 24 to 48 hours prior to planting which must be carried out 15 days at the latest after delivery.