The international reputation of the Pepinieres Guillaume
Since 1983, Pierre-Marie Guillaume heads the international development of our nurseries.
Grafted vine plants are dispatched all over the world from sister nurseries based in California, Chile and Argentina.
The international reputation of the Pepinieres Guillaume
As the renowned worldwide producers of vine plants, the Pepinieres Guillaume have partners in more than 30 countries across the globe.
The 3 subsidiaries in Chile, California and Argentina provide us with an extensive network of contacts to be able to react immediatley in face of new tendencies in the wine growing industry. Our clients can be assured of our commitment and our desire to answer their enquiries and meet their every need.
The international dimension of our nurseries ensures we supply plant vines of the finest quality anywhere in the world and provide unequaled support to the world’s most prestigious wine estates.

Our first partnership was set up in 1998 and « Viveros Guillaume Chile » was founded. Chile is a reputable wine country but is not in a position to export vine plants in view of the extreme weather conditions and exceptional geographical characteristics. We have taken great pleasure in transmitting our skills and knowledge to the teams we trained on site in the Colchagua valley. We are now ranked as the leader on the vineplant market in this South American country thanks to our work ethic, plants of outstanding quality and a well-established relationship with our clients.

United States
Following the success of our partnership in Chile, we decided to branch out into the North American grapevine industry in 2006, creating the « Guillaume Grapevine Nursery ». This area has the cutting edge in research and development and establishing ourselves in the local community was essential to our expansion. Located some 20 minutes north of Davis University and in a very secluded spot, our field-grown parent vinestocks are flourishing, providing a hiqh quality winegrowing performance to the American market.

In 2013 we were proud to establish a partnership with Argentina, in Mendoza to be precise.. The creation of « Guillaume Valle Verde » has enabled us to broaden our knowledge in the field of vine plant growing as well as improve and evolve our production process with the sole aim of improving the quality of our products.