30 November 2024Au pépinières Guillaume, le chantier de triage bat son plein
Article du bien public sur le triage des plants greffés au printemps.
Founded in 1895, Pepinières Guillaume, established in the Bourgogne-Franche Comté region of France, have been classed leaders in the vine growers market for 5 generations. This family business develops its activities relying exclusively on 2 key words : quality and innovation.
Ranked as one of the world’s finest grapevine growers, Pepinieres Guillaume have specialised in the grafting of high quality grapevine plants since 1895.
Our cutting edge research and genetic selection enables us to offer our winegrowers throughout the world a wide range of products to meet all requirements.
Article du bien public sur le triage des plants greffés au printemps.